Monday, 5 September 2016



好久不见啊!我们这下真的忙到见面的时间真的 很少很少了咯!
最近真的都在忙学业咯,你还有事业要忙 你真的是个大忙人咯!
那么久没见 还是那个样子 不能正常点的 哈哈哈哈!

每次我们Brotherhood 的聚会啊 你都没有来,每次都抛弃我一个人 sad...

聊聊 8,9 月吧!
家里的车都不够用 都要排期拿号码了!
驾照照片超丑yerrrr 辛亏只忍两年 两年后我要漂漂亮亮的拍哈哈哈

完全没准备任何东西。9月8号开始考 天 饶了我给我乱撞4年吧

8 月尾 我们很闲的从学校去到巴生吃肉骨茶 LOL
9个人才吃了100+ 也太便宜了

在那边 就这样1天过去了。 回到家都11点了。

这个月9 月的第一个礼拜, 
跟大哥们 吃吃吃吃吃!
一个礼拜吃两次烤肉真的是醉了 哈哈哈
吃了第二次烤肉后 另外一天我妈请吃也吃韩国餐 吃怕了哈哈哈
第一次烤肉本来说吃 ampang的自助烤肉 28块任吃。
然后我们的 鱼蛋大哥8点问我们要不要吃晚餐 然后他自己吃了
然后又不给答复什么的 然后拖到9点多才说要吃烤肉...然后AMPANG 的烤肉店1030关...
所以我们被逼去mont kiara 吃.......

就这样隔一天 群组静静的 另外一天....... 又来了
刚好那天如果鱼蛋大哥没恢复的话 a)我跟老板大哥去吃 b)都不吃 打包!
但最后 鱼蛋大哥还是有来回复了..
28 块晚餐 任吃哦!
Bambu House ! 那边环境不错但就不是很透气

最后一个就是昨天, 礼拜。
也是韩国餐 但真的出乎预料的.......应该是我们不习惯吧
都是菜....都没味道。 当时候真的很想念那餐自助餐烤肉 .....

真的是吃个不停啊... 不肥才怪捏!
就这样一个礼拜吃了3 次韩国餐
菜.....菜...... 天......

P&P , Element Night 9.0 Success !

It's been several weeks since college life had started. As i was saying earlier i wanna join Dance Society and..... I'm  now a member of dance society !
I still remember the first day i joined society, the first person i saw was Jing Xian ( a girl who i know since 14 at a tuition center near my house) Dance society divided into several groups Choreography , Hip Hop , Girls Style , Locking , Popping . I was a member of Choreography now and im proud of it hahaha. Why i choose Choreography ? Good question ! It's like this, i was worried about joining society alone, then i notice that Irwin was joining so i asked him which group is he joining and is it fun. Then me, angie and joyce just followed him to choreography and i never regret of joining it. Hahahaha The first day we joined they are already practising the steps for P&P. The steps are SIBEH fast its like one move for every word in that song. The song is call "Cash Money" by Tyga . So we started practise continuosly even on saturday and sunday. to tell the truth, its actually very tiring cause we got class and thursday althought i dont have class but still need to go to school for society meeting + training. But we do have alot of fun. There are 19 members in Choreography group. But only 12 people joined P&P. Ah yes ! before our actual P&P performance , we had a small Flashmob. And i would like to thanks Eric , Aaron , Jasmine , Darren , Sam , Kong and those who come and see our short performance.

They can't make it to the actual night :( Quite sad but can't blame them tho. But still thanks for coming to our P&P short performance.
P&P is actually a TRAILER for Actual ELEMENT NIGHT.
I did mistake.. Yerrr Paiseh haha

When TERRY the photographer was right infront of me hahaha NICE SHOT!


End of P&P .

So here comes the Actual ELEMENT NIGHT 9.0 !
Why is it 9.0? as i know this is the third year element night was held. so maybe the first year is 7.0 so now is 9.0 . Yah  it make sense tho hahaha.
First year in college having so damn many new friend.
From the first day i join he society until now, i know more and more amazing people.

For this ELEMENT NIGHT  we train even harder. I involved in 3 part .
First is opening performance. Then our Choreograph and last the Closing performance.
IT's quite fun and also tiring. The best part among is we get to have supper everytime we finish
practise. And we gather together no matter small group or big groups.
Okay back to Element Night ,
We reach there early and busy with rehersal and all the lightning stuff that make us shine blablabla.
Then we mostly are just playing with phone and all sleepy ....
Then we went for makeup and I MAKE UP ED for 16 people include myself. Incredible hahahaha
and our performance is a HUGE success YAY !

Cutie Oni Unnie hahaha
hi Terry and nice to meet u Tricia

The beauty of blur PROVED ! hahaha

Looks like my army is going to fight GRAHHHH! 


It's an end to our hard works. We've work hard to archive what we wanted. We had much fun and laughter. To those who are in degree hope so we get to meet each other at school more since im still a freshmen and u guys are going to graduate soon. Hope so we get to be in a same stage in next Element Night !

I still remember the first day i went to this college for mass call orientation, i told myself when i was in the hall. I said "One day, i wanna be on that huge stage and perform !" AND GUESS WHAT ! my wish did come true ! My next wish is "Gonna perform on this stage every year until i graduated !"

Successful ENDED. <3